Friday, August 12, 2011

Activating Your EMAIL/Changing your PASSWORD

So, the next few weeks are going to be crazy for new AND returning students because of the email change.
To make sure that you have access to ALL student account services (or at least the big ones), you should take the time to ACTIVATE your email.

To do so, visit:

*This form requires that you know your Lesley username and password. If you do not know one or both of these, use these links: I don't know my password! What's my username?

Once you have done this, you should try logging-into a few of the important account pages:  (email) (student account) (course materials) (print credits) ---
tip:  you can only check your print credits from on-campus.

If you have trouble logging into ANY of these sites, please follow these instructions:

Send an email to UT@LESLEY.EDU with the subject line “LOGIN PROBLEMS”
Be sure to include:
  • Your Name
  • Your Phone#
  • An Alternate Email Address
  • Student ID#
  • Student USERNAME (usually your first initial+last name)
  • Provide a quick description of the steps you took... e.g. "Went to the Activation website, changed my password, tried to login, could log into MyLesley, LOIS, Printing, but not email" --- *Please do NOT provide any password information*

Thanks for your patience as we are working to resolve these issues!

--- Labs

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