Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Floor Plans!

Warning: The content on this post was written while Richard Phung, the Labs & Classrooms Coordinator, held the title of Computer Lab Technician at the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University.... the content expressed here is out of date, at best.

Thank you to the library for donating the strategic planning AIB floor plans. You saved us TONS of work!..
We are now in the process of modeling the space. :) <3

Summer Cleaning...

Warning: The content on this post was written while Richard Phung, the Labs & Classrooms Coordinator, held the title of Computer Lab Technician at the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University.... the content expressed here is out of date, at best.

*Gave the 700 Lockup Station a cleaning.
*Backing up Desktop files...

YES, I am reformatting it today. Period.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Web Dev (day off)

Warning: The content on this post was written while Richard Phung, the Labs & Classrooms Coordinator, held the title of Computer Lab Technician at the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University.... the content expressed here is out of date, at best.

worked on converting my 3D sketchup into html.
works fine, a little messy, but it looks neat.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Rooms Database is UP

Warning: The content on this post was written while Richard Phung, the Labs & Classrooms Coordinator, held the title of Computer Lab Technician at the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University.... the content expressed here is out of date, at best.

it's running... but still in a very primitive state.
we shall see where it goes!

check it out here:


(on campus ONLY)

Filemaker6 DB for Room Inventory

Warning: The content on this post was written while Richard Phung, the Labs & Classrooms Coordinator, held the title of Computer Lab Technician at the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University.... the content expressed here is out of date, at best.

I'm creating a web-accessible filemaker dataset for the room amenities at AIB...
here's a screen of what i have so far..
I will be integrating this with the information desk in-design documents to create a comprehensive rooms database for information purposes.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Moving Images around...

Warning: The content on this post was written while Richard Phung, the Labs & Classrooms Coordinator, held the title of Computer Lab Technician at the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University.... the content expressed here is out of date, at best.

the 062309 version of VideoMaster has been backed-up with local admin account ONLY.. i will need to be customized as soon as we determine how to handle logins/user accounts.

In the meantime, I installed Maya2009 which is ONLY supported under Intel Architectures... So I am restoring the VideoMaster image onto a macbook for a beta-test of features and authentication to the flexlm server.

ALSO, starting to work on the AnimationDownshootMaster image....

VideoMaster - (Maya 2009 INSTALL)

Warning: The content on this post was written while Richard Phung, the Labs & Classrooms Coordinator, held the title of Computer Lab Technician at the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University.... the content expressed here is out of date, at best.

Installing Maya 2009....
1) Back-up VideoMaster Image
2) Create DeployStudio Multicast


Warning: The content on this post was written while Richard Phung, the Labs & Classrooms Coordinator, held the title of Computer Lab Technician at the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University.... the content expressed here is out of date, at best.

played around with a couple of workflows... publishing to the blog via podcast producer is easy, it's getting the iTunesU settings to go through.

just takes a little meticulous editting of the workflow template plist file(s). :)

Monday, June 22, 2009

Media+Presentations - Update (Software Update)

Warning: The content on this post was written while Richard Phung, the Labs & Classrooms Coordinator, held the title of Computer Lab Technician at the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University.... the content expressed here is out of date, at best.

Renamed image (from 041109 --> 062209)
Ran software update (OSX)
Ran adobe updater
Ran Microsoft Updater
Google Product Updater

Installed Flip4Mac
Configured Perian

Ad-Tech installation

Warning: The content on this post was written while Richard Phung, the Labs & Classrooms Coordinator, held the title of Computer Lab Technician at the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University.... the content expressed here is out of date, at best.

At 8:45am, I was greeted by Ann who notified me of the Ad-Tech installation crew at 601N.
I let them into the room to install the new A/V system.

Friday, June 19, 2009


Warning: The content on this post was written while Richard Phung, the Labs & Classrooms Coordinator, held the title of Computer Lab Technician at the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University.... the content expressed here is out of date, at best.

Upon launching Poser 7, it quits unexpectedly.

Installation notice:

It seems as if Poser 7 is giving us a lot of troubles with its permissions.
Poser 7 folder requires full read/write permissions for the end user.
Also the \Library\Frameworks\Python.framework full read permissions are required.

This issue has been fixed.

Beta Test for Master Image

Warning: The content on this post was written while Richard Phung, the Labs & Classrooms Coordinator, held the title of Computer Lab Technician at the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University.... the content expressed here is out of date, at best.

Things to do after installing new image:

Create local user account
User name: AIB Users
No password. Make it so that the computer auto logs in AIB Users.

Restart the computer and it will automatically log in as AIB Users

Change desktop background to the one that says "Save all files to temp storage etc." Background is located in the users>shared folder.

Change name of hard drive to "AIB HD"

Remove all links from the sidebar in Finder, all except "AIB HD".

Configure Applications. Open them to see if they work, insert serials when necessary. If a program asks if you want automatic updates, check/click no/never.

Customize dock. Applications that should be in the dock are:

Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Bridge, Painter, Toast Titanium, Word. On the dock there should also be a folder with internet apps and the Wacom Tablet Preference panel (this can be found AIB HD>Library>PreferencePanes).

Disable auto updates for Flip4Mac and Perian. To do this go to System Preferences. Icons for them will be at the bottom of the window under "Other."

Click on the Flip4Mac icon. Go to the "Update" tab. Next to "check for updates" click the drop down and select "Never".

Likewise, in System Preferences click on the "Perian" icon. Next to the "check for updates" button uncheck "Automatically Update".


VideoMaster - Update (Customization)

Warning: The content on this post was written while Richard Phung, the Labs & Classrooms Coordinator, held the title of Computer Lab Technician at the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University.... the content expressed here is out of date, at best.

-- Installed Cooliris for Firefox

-- Installed Microsoft Office 2004

--Ran Software Updates:
--- Adobe
--- Microsoft
--- VLC

-- Installed Other Animation Tools (e.g. Audacity, Frame Thief, Toon Boom)

++++ Changed Icons

Changed Scratch Disk(s): (Temporary Storage)
Photoshop CS3
FinalCut Studio Pkgs.

VideoMaster - BETA1-061909 COMPLETE

Warning: The content on this post was written while Richard Phung, the Labs & Classrooms Coordinator, held the title of Computer Lab Technician at the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University.... the content expressed here is out of date, at best.

The VideoMaster image is in Beta-test mode...

so far, there is only the local admin user account, and testing with generic user accounts is underway.... there is still a long road ahead as the general access user account will undergo rigorous end-user play-testing and configuration, so bear with me!

-- Cleared Recent Items
-- Cleared Recent Locations

The MasterImage is also in Beta-test mode...
we are currently play-testing the features for this installation as well.

Exciting times in Academic Computing!

VideoMaster - Updates (Software Installs)

Warning: The content on this post was written while Richard Phung, the Labs & Classrooms Coordinator, held the title of Computer Lab Technician at the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University.... the content expressed here is out of date, at best.

-- Installed ToonBoom v3
-- Installed Blender3D (PPC+Intel) ***ugh. 2 versions?
-- Installed Maya2008
---------> configured aw_client.dat file
---------> restarted maya license server
---------> changed Autodesk icon

-- Installed Frame Thief
-- Updated Audacity
-- Installed Toast 9
-- Installed Sketchup
-- Installed Corel Painter 11

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Opendir & Share Spaces

Warning: The content on this post was written while Richard Phung, the Labs & Classrooms Coordinator, held the title of Computer Lab Technician at the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University.... the content expressed here is out of date, at best.

I am deleting the "Access Group" from the MacAdministrator login list.
This will eliminate automatic share-file mounting upon user login.

The next step is to consolidate the share space on aibserver2 in order to phase-out locally shared network storage altogether.

-- Backup old classroom files
-- Re-assign sharepoints
-- Eliminate LDAP ACLs

External Bootables

Warning: The content on this post was written while Richard Phung, the Labs & Classrooms Coordinator, held the title of Computer Lab Technician at the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University.... the content expressed here is out of date, at best.

Created new disk image from bootable maintenance drive (boot).
Image name: boot-externalclone.dmg (10.67GB)

Updated images list on aibserver2

restored disk image on external devices.

animation-downshoot - Update (Software List)

Warning: The content on this post was written while Richard Phung, the Labs & Classrooms Coordinator, held the title of Computer Lab Technician at the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University.... the content expressed here is out of date, at best.

Here is a tentative list of software to update/upgrade/reinstall:
  • Toast Titanium 9
  • Quicktime Pro
  • Toki LineTest
  • ToonBoom
  • iMovie HD 3.5/08
  • Audacity
  • Frame Thief

Ran Software Update

animation-downshoot - Update (redistributed)

Warning: The content on this post was written while Richard Phung, the Labs & Classrooms Coordinator, held the title of Computer Lab Technician at the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University.... the content expressed here is out of date, at best.

We are revamping the animation down-shoot image... our first step was to install it on a newer machine (PPC G5) from the old PPC G4 machines. Most likely, this upgrade will be suited for the Fall 2009.

1) Install Animation Down-Shoot Image onto PPC G5
--- Netboot PPC G5 (NetInstallSet-010108)
--- Full Erase; Zero-Data (dump partitions)
--- In-NetBoot set:
------ > Mount downshootroom.dmg
------ > Configure downshoot-BETA partition configuration (Temporary Storage, etc)
------ > Create NetRestore Configuration - (downshoot-BETA)
------ > Initiate Restore (AIB-HD -> downshoot-BETA)

2) Post-Install

aibanimation server and DeployStudio!

Warning: The content on this post was written while Richard Phung, the Labs & Classrooms Coordinator, held the title of Computer Lab Technician at the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University.... the content expressed here is out of date, at best.

aibanimation ( is getting an install of deploy studio.
the disk image repository will also be carried over...

universal netboot set will be created from the imacs in N330.

at the moment, we are using Netboot with ASR and the old xserve (formerly aibserver), but we're moving toward DeployStudio. Will keep you posted.
copied G4G5-netinstall.dmg image from afp:// (videoserver)
ran updates on (aibanimation)
--- upgrade 10.5.7
--- system stuff.

created netboot set from intel imac
--- DeployStudioRuntime-601N-090618-112016.nbi
--- installed NetBoot Set to aibanimation server NetBootSP0
--- updated NetBoot image list (ServerAdmin)

updated image repository (with old images nonetheless. lol)
-- added G4G5-netrestore.dmg
-- added video-anim-011209.dmg
-- added downshootroom.dmg

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Adventures with DeployStudio

Warning: The content on this post was written while Richard Phung, the Labs & Classrooms Coordinator, held the title of Computer Lab Technician at the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University.... the content expressed here is out of date, at best.

Installed DeployStudioAdmin+Server onto XServe
Imported previous master images (HFS)... SUCCESS

Added Deploy Studio Runtime to my existing external bootables.

Created a DeployStudioRuntime NetBoot Set (*.nbi) system... this should be able to replace the NetRestore ASR image that was also made by a similar assistant.

Deploy Studio > NetRestore?!?

Warning: The content on this post was written while Richard Phung, the Labs & Classrooms Coordinator, held the title of Computer Lab Technician at the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University.... the content expressed here is out of date, at best.

Well, it looks like I may be changing the deploy method once again.
Bombich is no longer supporting NetRestore, and Deploy Studio is taking the reigns as the all-mighty network deploy scenario... it also leverages ASR and makes/deploys multicast images. I think this will be the best solution.

I have installed the DeployStudio Admin component onto the XServe, and now I will try to configure a NetBoot set via macbook.

Good stuff.

New Computer Lab Images

Warning: The content on this post was written while Richard Phung, the Labs & Classrooms Coordinator, held the title of Computer Lab Technician at the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University.... the content expressed here is out of date, at best.

That's right, folks.. we are reformatting the computers in the computer labs at AIB. This is a fresh start for the Fall 2009. This is a painstaking process that begins with a completely fresh installation of MacOS (or other OS), and a piece-by-piece installation of the software for the academic curriculum(s) that use these facilities... In addition, we install supplemental programs (tools, codecs, apps, etc) to aid in general productivity.

Inevitably, there will be troubles with the selection of software...

IF you are a FACULTY, STAFF, or STUDENT that will be using the digital studios in the Fall 2009 and would like to request SPECIAL SOFTWARE, please do not hesitate to come by the office and talk about it. *** THE DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTING SOFTWARE REQUESTS WILL BE THE WEEK OF AUGUST 10, 2009... at this time, the labs will be prepped for school to start.

PLEASE do not wait if you have special classroom needs!

Our contact information:
Phone: 617.585.6663
Location: 700 Beacon St, 300M

VideoMaster - Update (Softwares)

Warning: The content on this post was written while Richard Phung, the Labs & Classrooms Coordinator, held the title of Computer Lab Technician at the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University.... the content expressed here is out of date, at best.

Installed Adobe After Effects CS3

Installed iLife 08
--- iDVD
--- iMovie08
--- Garageband 08
Installed iMovieHD 3.5

Software Update

Installed FireFox
--- Installed xMarks

Installed Processing

VideoMaster - Update (FinalCutStudio2)

Warning: The content on this post was written while Richard Phung, the Labs & Classrooms Coordinator, held the title of Computer Lab Technician at the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University.... the content expressed here is out of date, at best.

Installed FinalCut Studio 2.0
-- Backed up documentation
-- Backed up extras

Installed LiveType
-- Backed up Content
Installed DVD Studio Pro
-- Backed up Content
Installed Soundtrack Pro
-- Backed up Content
Installed Compressor
Installed Motion
-- Backed up Content
Installed Color


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

VideoMaster - Update (Adobe Creative Suite)

Warning: The content on this post was written while Richard Phung, the Labs & Classrooms Coordinator, held the title of Computer Lab Technician at the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University.... the content expressed here is out of date, at best.

Installed Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium:

Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional
Adobe Flash CS3
Adobe Flash Video Encoder
Adobe Illustrator CS3
Adobe Photoshop CS3...

approximately 4.5 GB

VideoMaster Image (Initial Install Procedure)

Warning: The content on this post was written while Richard Phung, the Labs & Classrooms Coordinator, held the title of Computer Lab Technician at the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University.... the content expressed here is out of date, at best.

-- Changed desktop background (adminbackground.jpg)
-- Remove default dock items
-- Renamed "VideoMaster - 061509"
-- Finder > View > Show view options > Show Item Info
Applications Folder:
--Delete Address Book
--Delete Applescript Folder
--Delete Automator
--Delete Chess
--Delete Dictionary
--Delete iChat
--Delete Mail
--Delete Stickies

--- Create folder "Interface"
--Copy Dashboard
--Copy Expose
--Copy iSync
--Copy Image Capture
--Copy Space
--Copy PhotoBooth

--- Create folder "Media"
--Copy DVD Player
--Copy FrontRow
--Copy iTunes
--Create Alias for QT Player

--- Create folder "Internet Applications"
--Copy Safari
Volumes\Digital Video\Library
Finder > View > Show View Options
Calculate All Sizes

Sort > Size

Delete Receipts
Delete Dictionaries
Delete Updates
Delete Documentation

Restart Computer

Master Image Fall 2009: Update(s)

Warning: The content on this post was written while Richard Phung, the Labs & Classrooms Coordinator, held the title of Computer Lab Technician at the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University.... the content expressed here is out of date, at best.

Ran Adobe Updater.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009 --->
Corel Painter 11.0.016 (no new updates)
Cyberduck 3.2 (4648)
-- disabled automatic update/update check
-- disabled donation
Firefox -- > (no new updates)
-- disabled Automatic update/update check
-- Installed cooliris (1.10)
-- clear private data
FinalCutExpress 4.0
-- changed primary scratchdisk: Temporary Storage
-- disabled automatic update/update check

Microsoft AutoUpdate
-- disabled automatic update/update check
-- Office 2004 for Mac 11.5.5
-- Ran Word:Mac; PowerPoint:Mac -->updated fonts

Poser 7 - (no new updates)
-- disabled automatic updates/update check

Processing -
-- disabled automatic updates/update check
Added items to Local Admin Dock:
Print & Fax
Startup Disk
Energy Saver



Fall 2009 Video Master Image Started!

Warning: The content on this post was written while Richard Phung, the Labs & Classrooms Coordinator, held the title of Computer Lab Technician at the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University.... the content expressed here is out of date, at best.

I have begun installing MacOSX 10.5 on the office G5..
see \Volumes\Digital Video
This will include the newest updates for:


Plus Added system security/integrity
And so much more!

Latest Image -- 061609

Warning: The content on this post was written while Richard Phung, the Labs & Classrooms Coordinator, held the title of Computer Lab Technician at the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University.... the content expressed here is out of date, at best.

I just created the latest and greatest classroom image to-date...
it is fully equipped, and is streamlined right around 25GB with all updates.

at the moment, there aren't any additional users or shared home acct(s).. so we are operating purely under local admin.

I am backing it up now, and will begin installing MacAdmin local processes as soon as the image completes.

For the Fall 2009, this step will be replaced with a single sign-on local home once the print charging system is in place.

Update: Firefox Extensions

Warning: The content on this post was written while Richard Phung, the Labs & Classrooms Coordinator, held the title of Computer Lab Technician at the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University.... the content expressed here is out of date, at best.

  • FoxMarks
  • GreaseMonkey
  • CoolIris
  • Java
  • Quicktime
  • Embedded Flash
  • Flip4Mac
**** More to come.

New Projectors!

Warning: The content on this post was written while Richard Phung, the Labs & Classrooms Coordinator, held the title of Computer Lab Technician at the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University.... the content expressed here is out of date, at best.

If you've used 700B classrooms 310, 216, or the 601N Design studio (4th floor), you may notice the "Smart" classroom A/V podiums and integrated screens/projectors. Ad-Tech systems, our audio/visual installation contractors, have recently installed integrated screens/projectors in two additional rooms (N330 and N030) - the upstairs computer lab + video/animation lab.

The new projectors installed at Newbury Street have freed-up 2 LCD projectors which will be available for check-out once they have been checked and reconditioned for public use.
Please stay posted on available technologies!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Master Image Fall 2009 - FULL UPDATE

Warning: The content on this post was written while Richard Phung, the Labs & Classrooms Coordinator, held the title of Computer Lab Technician at the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University.... the content expressed here is out of date, at best.

CCC Backup --
-- clear recent items
-- clear internet files
-- clear recent locations

Startup Disk
MasterImage-061509.dmg (25.27GB)

  • Updated MacOSX (Software Update)
  • *** Required 7.1 GB free.

Image Update (Master Image - Fall 2009)

Warning: The content on this post was written while Richard Phung, the Labs & Classrooms Coordinator, held the title of Computer Lab Technician at the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University.... the content expressed here is out of date, at best.

On administrator --
  • Installed Adobe After Effects CS3
  • Backed-up Documentation to HelpDesk
  • Installed FinalCut Express 4.0
  • Installed LiveType 2.1.4
  • Installed Google Earth 5.0
  • Installed Google Earth Plugin (FireFox)
  • Installed Silverlight 1.0 Plugin
  • Installed Flip4Mac
  • Installed Perian 1.1.3
  • Installed iLife 08
  • Backed-up Documentation & Templates to HelpDesk

Ran Updates:
  • Adobe Installer

Updated Local Admin Connect-to Server List
Removed Startup Items

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Fixed Issues with HelpDesk

Warning: The content on this post was written while Richard Phung, the Labs & Classrooms Coordinator, held the title of Computer Lab Technician at the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University.... the content expressed here is out of date, at best.

added contact information
added calendar
added classroom time schedule

fixing blog sections.

Helpdesk v3 Up and Running

Warning: The content on this post was written while Richard Phung, the Labs & Classrooms Coordinator, held the title of Computer Lab Technician at the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University.... the content expressed here is out of date, at best.

Thanks for visiting the systems administration blog..
i will be posting updates and stuff to the site here. Along with any issue resolutions that have been made in the course of my days. i figure it's a good way to keep track of the stuff going on around here and to keep the general public informed.


Monday, June 8, 2009

School's out for the summer!!

Warning: The content on this post was written while Richard Phung, the Labs & Classrooms Coordinator, held the title of Computer Lab Technician at the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University.... the content expressed here is out of date, at best.

Thanks for stopping by the computer labs during the summer!
We are going through a lot of changes around here, so stay posted on the latest events around campus!

There are a few programs going on, so please check out our operating hours and availability!