Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sassafras K2 KeyServer on it's way!

it's always been here (*I guess since before I started).....apparently.
We had run this at the Art Institute of Boston when I was there..

But I will be employing Sassafras K2 KeyServer to track the software installations across the labs.
It's a very simple component that basically monitors the workstations in the labs and classrooms and watches to see how many times a particular software package is run...
if there are 15 licenses for Adobe Photoshop on campus, and 15 people are using it, when the 16th person tries to run it, a message will display saying... "sorry, but we are running out of licenses".. or something to that effect.

This software serves several purposes that are NOT intended to cause grief for students trying to use the software... rather, it lets me install the software on a LOT of machines across a whole area.. (e.g. every computer in the Doble Building)... and it will let students use the software wherever it's installed rather than just in one area (so long as the # of licenses hasn't been met).....  ALSO, it lets me track a large # of licenses and usage.  So more software on each station WITH version tracking.  So I can make sure that all areas are up-to-date.

It's a small, un-noticeable thing... but I LOVE it.

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